Compassion leads to good ideas.


Do you also fear the lock is somehow broken at an all gender restroom? Especially when the restroom location faces everybody outside. You can be that restroom angel for your loved ones 👼 💘

One of my favorite photo that I’ve taken in Taiwan last time, and turned it into a watercolor painting. It’s somebody’s wall put together by different colored pieces of metal sheet roofings. Noticed this on the way to pick up some breakfast that morning.

As I drew this one, I imagined that this temple is floating in the sky. The whole temple is just “alive”. I wonder if dragons were real, they are probably lizards’ or reptiles’ ancestors.

As I drew this one, I imagined that this temple is floating in the sky. The whole temple is just “alive”. I wonder if dragons were real, they are probably lizards’ or reptiles’ ancestors.

When I thought I had just told you how vulnerable I am, the least expected words came out of your mouth, “thank you for showing me that you are brave”. I still remember the gaze in your eyes, believing my strength in every single way even until toda…

When I thought I had just told you how vulnerable I am, the least expected words came out of your mouth, “thank you for showing me that you are brave”. I still remember the gaze in your eyes, believing my strength in every single way even until today. Been wanting to draw this scene since last summer. With this illustration I hope to deliver my sincere gratitude for saving me when I feel like I’ve lost my soul. There are shitty things that happen in life, but each time it proves to me again and again how much those closest to me love and care about me.

Everyone’s praying for something. I wonder what conversations people are having with the Saviors. Are they praying for the health of somebody? For passing an exam? For the wealth of their business? What are you praying for? I pray that everyone can …

Everyone’s praying for something. I wonder what conversations people are having with the Saviors. Are they praying for the health of somebody? For passing an exam? For the wealth of their business? What are you praying for? I pray that everyone can continue (or start) to practice peace and love with the Earth, with one another, and within our own selves. May we really learn from the past, and imagine a better future.

On the morning of my scheduled dive, I found out that I’m not able to go down into the water due to my asthma attack history. Scuba diving was probably what I looked forward to the most during my 11 days of solo trip in Taiwan. I guess I was hyped u…

On the morning of my scheduled dive, I found out that I’m not able to go down into the water due to my asthma attack history. Scuba diving was probably what I looked forward to the most during my 11 days of solo trip in Taiwan. I guess I was hyped up so much that when I got let down, my brain kind of could not function except trying to act like I’m completely fine and chill. Thankfully the coach assisted me to choose and sign up for other water activities I could do instead. That afternoon, I went paddleboarding, and watched the beautiful ocean along with the sunset. The ocean horizon really looked limitless. It washed all of my negativities away, and splattered in positive vibes. Next day I was able to snorkel and saw so many sea turtles and sea creatures! I left the island feeling inspired by how people living there put genuine effort into protecting the environment. Do things like bringing their own reusable containers to pick up food orders. The kids there grew up being educated to respect the nature as part of their living habit, not to touch the sea turtles...etc. They also speak up and inform any island visitors. I can’t help but dream: if everybody in the world puts in their conscious effort in co-existing with our planet, would we have an even more beautiful planet with less man-made and natural disasters? Maybe the sea turtles would smile a little more :)

During self quarentine days, I got two window views, and this was my favorite.
Metal sheet roofings come in different colors here, but most of them are shades of green. 💚💚💚

Alleyway that turned into indoor space, not only utilizes space but also add some cooler areas during the hot summer days in Taipei. Metal sheet roofings can help shield against typhoon, prevent leakages from heavy rains, and endures earthquakes. It’s a building material that has a special connection with Taiwanese people. - Explained by my dad and my internet research.

“shooting star moment” : the moment you recognize something cool and before getting to react to it, it’s already far gone onto its journey. 🌠🌠🌠  The Walnut Trail in Irvine is right next to train tracks. One morning when I was jogging there, I cou…

“shooting star moment” : the moment you recognize something cool and before getting to react to it, it’s already far gone onto its journey. 🌠🌠🌠

The Walnut Trail in Irvine is right next to train tracks. One morning when I was jogging there, I could hear the sound of a train coming from behind me. The sound started from far, and then it got closer and closer until I heard it honk very loudly. I turned my head and looked, I saw the train driver waving at me. By the time I waved back, the front of the train was already long gone onto its journey. I continued to jog as the rest of the train flew past me until the morning stillness returned again.✨

I wish the train driver could have seen me wave back so that he knew his gesture was being recognized and appreciated. No photo was taken, all there was left is this tiny memory of mine. Maybe this moment is long gone from his memory because he travels fast without looking back. I drew and painted this because I’m a little human girl who wishes to collect precious stars. I jog slowly, one step at a time onto my own journey. 🌟

On Sept 9th, we saw the most beautiful sky we’ve ever seen. It was our first time camping in the wilderness. Most importantly, it was an adventure with my sister.  It was the first time that just the two of us planned, went on a road trip and camped…

On Sept 9th, we saw the most beautiful sky we’ve ever seen. It was our first time camping in the wilderness. Most importantly, it was an adventure with my sister.

It was the first time that just the two of us planned, went on a road trip and camped overnight together. Together, we had to learn new things and solve any problems that came along the way. There were zero arguments or blames, just supports and giving each other the strength we need. I don’t think the trip leveled up our relationship, but the relationship that we’ve been building up for years and our own individual growth have finally gotten to this point which made this trip wonderfully possible.

I was unable to take any good photos of the beautiful sky, but it turned out that this painting represents almost exactly what we saw!

What the phases of the moon have taught me about the menstrual cycle’s emotional and physical ups and downs: appreciate it as a whole. 🌘🌗🌖🌕🌔🌓🌒 A lot of women (myself included), love being in the “shining bright” phase of the cycle where we feel the most confident, productive and optimistic. But when PMS starts to sneak in, I start to doubt myself, think that I’m not a great person, and wonder if I’m going crazy. A lot of people have the tendency to hate this phase of the cycle. However let’s remind ourselves the beauty of the moon. The moonlight never stays the same, constantly changing. Each phase of the moon has its own beauty. Regardless if it is a full moon or a crescent moon, a moon’s true self is always as it is, round and powerful. Therefore, maybe if we learn to appreciate who we are throughout all the stages of the menstrual cycle, we would realize that we are like the phases of the moon, beautiful and powerful as a whole.

Someone told me to be careful with you because apparently some people saw you pushed someone onto the table when you were angry at what the person had done to you. You didn’t come to school many times after that so I reached out to you to find out if you’re okay... We got dinner one night. You told me about the things that you feel concerned about, as well as your dreams and exciting goals. It turn out that day you stood up for your ground, and not allow others to bully you. What you said also taught me something too: to stand up for yourself and for others against bullying.
Afterward he walked me home and on the way home, he picked up this flower from the ground and gave it to me. I got home and placed it in a glass of yogurt cup filled with water and propped up the flower with folded kitchen towel cardboard. We don’t talk very often but we keep in touch once in a while. The day he left the country he gave me a bar of chocolate from his country, said to me that I’m a magnificent piece of human, and wished me the best on my path. It was truly a joyful moment for me. If I have believe in the rumors and didn't search for the truth on my own, I wouldn’t have gotten to know this friendship. I drew this to remember that sometimes things are not what it seems like. It's important to hear out others. They could be right, they could be wrong. But trust your gut and find your own truth. Not let other’s opinions or rumors hinder us from showing our care for people.

When the best friend calls me on her way to work at her early morning while it’s late afternoon here in my time zone. It’s been one of my favorite pick me ups during this quarantine. 🚌🚌🚌🚌🚌
If you’re thinking about a friend today, call him or her. Even just a small chat for a couple of minutes. Don’t let distance or time stop you to show that you care. I’m sure your friend would appreciate it very much. You could be someone’s light of the day.

Thank you @jiiyoung95 for growing up with me and for learning from each other’s up and downs. Knowing that you’d be just a call away, closest than ever. Can’t wait to find out where the universe take us to meet again on this planet 😆😆😆 Love and miss you a lot. Wish you and everyone safe there~

Reminding everyone around me to vote if possible. Find out how to do so in your region and start as soon as possible. It’s one of many more steps to take for changes but every step is important. I believe everyone have their own super power to help make a positive difference. Vote for those who can’t. Vote for the voice that speaks in your heart.

soy based ramen → roasted root vegetables → roasted sliced eggplant → rice gratin → veggie curry → potato tots breakfast burrito.

March 2020, I moved back to my parent’s house and around that time my family and I started to practice a vegetarian diet together. It’s the way we chose to send our prayers and blessings for the world that’s been suffering. I also do it for the environment and the lovely animals. I find myself feeling more at ease when having meatless meals. It’s something I’m still learning and improving myself upon, making mindful choices one meal at a time. To conclude 2020, I thought instead of drawing the same o’ reindeer and christmas trees like I have done in the past, I decided to draw some of my favorite vegetarian dishes that I’ve personally made this year, in hope to share my joy with the people I give these cards to. I’m posting these here because I wasn’t able to send all the cards to everyone I want to show my carings to. But I really do wish everybody a happy new year with peace, love, gratitude, and health. 🥳🧡

Continue to read for more bts stories:
It took me almost a month to think and decide what to draw, and then I made them all the day before I started my solo trip around Taiwan. I brought the digital file to print before catching the train on my first day of trip (I guess I still have the habit of trying to print something early in the morning before a presentation). I thought I could use the time sitting in the train or the alone time in my hostel writing cards to friends and family, which I did. But unexpectedly I also ended up using them to write thank you cards to the new friends I’ve met along the journey.

One night I felt heartbroken and was fearful to close my eyes to rest. After knowing what happened, a friend of mine called from the other side of the globe and accompanied me through the night. I remember seeing the light of sunrise tinted blue through the window blinds. Although it’s over two years ago, I still feel very grateful for my friend’s patience and kindness when I felt like a piece of shit.

Thank you for seeing me as who I really am.
You’ve shared much of your wisdom with me, and show me how much it means to be spiritually there for someone when they need it the most.
hal yang tak mudah berubah jadi indah
Terimat kasih ~~~

My process video is an Indonesian song about friendship that’s described as cocoons waiting to become butterflies.
Enjoy the song or interested in learning Indonesian? Check out my friend’s YouTube channel @ GThinks for great and fun content! (The singing is also in his channel)

Philosophical conversation between a first grade student and her teacher.